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Thank you for everybody that filled in the LAST SURVEY.

All the information collected is used to identify and present evidence to Carmarthenshire Council / CCW etc. that Bridleways and areas need to be looked at and improved.

We are also asking where you ride to help pinpoint problem areas. Please add any comments or questions in the last box.

This survey will be used for information at the AGM 4th April 2008 so please do it asap. Thank you.


Name, Postcode or village:    

Email address:

1. Do you have any mobility problems that cause you problems with gates?

2. Can you get on and off to open gates or negotiate other obstructions without pain or discomfort?

3. How old are you ?

4. If you didn’t ride would you be physically able to access the countryside on foot even for a short period?

5. How long do you ride out on a hack for generally?

6. How Many Horses do you have ?

7. How many riders in the family?

8. Do you work?

8. How long do you ride for on average per week in the summer?

9. How long do you ride for on average per week in the winter?

10. Your comments, areas that need improvement, local issues, etc ?

Thank you.





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